Better Weather, Better Dating

Daniel Speiss
5 min readMar 23, 2017

As the season is transitioning into spring (I think it’s still winter?) we start to change with the weather, and with dating, this is no different! I have already started to notice the change in the weather, and that got me thinking, “I can’t wait to be outside and be outside with the people that matter most to me.

Spring, and in warmer, not freezing weather in general is something that I enjoy, like most. I’m not someone that enjoys a harsh, and painful climate; it just doesn’t work for me. So, let’s talk about dating and better weather, what you can look forward to seeing in your own life, and how to maximize on the transitioning climate.

Better weather, better spirits, better spirits, better everything else.

Let’s face the cold hard facts about the cold. When it’s winter, when it’s cold and we’re forced to retreat inside and have inside-place dates, things can get pretty boring and dry. Most relationships for that matter suffer more from relationship fatigue because naturally, there is less to do if that’s how you see things.

When the weather gets better, so do you. We’re more inclined to do more naturally, we’re more comfortable, and potentially more motivated to get out and explore the world, which includes dating! I’ll be the first one to always advocate going out, and experience dates unconventional to the norm. Take for granted the weather and what you can honestly do it.

I feel like there is a ton to say about this topic, but I will outline what’s most important, and what you should maximize on. The weather can be a great asset to the diversity of your dating environment, bring color and vibrancy to your dating, while also, a great chance and opportunity to grow you.

We oftentimes shy away from going out by ourselves on a cultural/social level. We forget that we need our alone time and often get caught up in the wheel of daily duties. Go outside, get in nature, and take care of yourself. Not an outside/nature person? I don’t care.

Deep down somewhere inside is your inner voice saying to you “hey, we need the sunshine, nature, and fresh air.” Being outside, and nature in general is a calming, refreshing, and rejuvenating experience. You can truly grow and learn a lot from nature being outside, without getting too spiritual. So try something new, start thinking about how you relate to the outdoors, and see where that takes you.

Dates outside are the best, and you should know this.

There’s nothing that says new experiences and adventure more like being outside and exploring something new. Instead of bar dates, restaurants, cafes, get outside and lay on the grass. Sit on a park bench or explore somewhere you and someone special can walk. Nature and the outside, in general, stimulates introspection in my opinion.

Sharing that with someone is pretty important, figuring you’re looking to see if that someone is someone worth it long term. You should know sooner or later whether or not you want to be seen in public! In all seriousness, you need to be out, exploring new opportunities with that someone. You need to figure what kind of person they are, what they value, and their overall level of energy towards life.

Getting someone outside shows you a different side of who they are. Getting someone outside can bring out healthy or unhealthy mindsets to doing or being. Figure this, you think someone is amazing, and decide to go on a walk somewhere, while on this walk, you discover that this person doesn’t really like venturing out or exploring new things.

This person seems like they're not even enjoying this time with you. When you ask this person how they like the view or your environment, they say they rather are somewhere else. My point is, while walking, or experiencing the outdoors, our relationship with the world comes out. So if you want to get to know someone in a different way, explore the outside, and see what comes out.

The outdoors is a great way to express your interests, hobbies, and passions.

Do I even need to say this? If you’re dating, whether it’s online dating or through your connections, you need to reflect your interests and hobbies with people. If you are an online dater, transition some of your profile content more to being outside and your relationship to the outdoors, and what you like to do.

Trade up some pictures with some outside interests you enjoy. If you are dating through a different avenue, like if you stumbled upon someone, and now you find yourself making plans for a date, the whole point of a date is to share each other’s interests and life while exploring each other potentially.

You always, always, want to reflect on who you are and express what you like to do, and have a need to share that with someone, even if they may not value these experiences as much as you do. I think we sometimes forget that beyond the pressure and hype of our first and thereafter dates with someone, the idea is to see if that person likes you and your life.

Beyond the focus of each other, you have to interchangeably represent you. Sure, we put on some exaggerated aspects of ourselves to aggrandize our value during the dating process, but at the end of the day, authenticity is key. If someone doesn't like that you are really into canoeing, who cares?

It’s funny because the saying “having a lot in common” really has no value when it comes to pairing with someone. We can always find something in common with someone, and for that, I say, who cares if you do have a ton in common? If the person you are dating appreciates you, and your hobbies, then you’re well on your way with someone who has the right mindset towards relationship dynamics.

It’s about the appreciating value, of valuing someone for who they are and how they come prepackaged within this moment. Anything else is an extension of what we are personally resisting in ourselves.

Anyways, get out “there” and show the people you date who you are on the outside (puns are necessary for survival).



Daniel Speiss

Exploring the depths of human experience through the lens of life. My writing aims to spark curiosity, and imagination for personal growth and societal progress